River Keeper Fly Fishing Trophy Brook Trout Fishing Fly Fishing Private Waters Spring Creek Fly Fishing Fly Fishing Lessons Fly Fishing Entomology Fly Fishing Schools River Keeper Stream Management Fly Fishing Guides, Guiding and Instruction Meet The River Keeper Fly Fishing Seminars and Talks Riverkeeper Fly Fishing Resources Contacts Site Map
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You can contact Gene Macri the River Keeper by any of the forms on this website and by any of the following:


  • gene (at)riverkeeperflyfishing.com
    gene (at)eugenemacri.com

  • Phone: 717-762-9750

  • Snail Mail:

    Eugene Macri
    Box 877
    Waynesboro PA 17268









Riverkeeper Fly Fishing Info, Newsletters, Tips
Just drop us a line for any questions you have about our private fly fishing, guiding and instruction on both public and private waters. We won't spam you or sell your name.