River Keeper Fly Fishing Trophy Brook Trout Fishing Fly Fishing Private Waters Spring Creek Fly Fishing Fly Fishing Lessons Fly Fishing Entomology Fly Fishing Schools River Keeper Stream Management Fly Fishing Guides, Guiding and Instruction Meet The River Keeper Fly Fishing Seminars and Talks Riverkeeper Fly Fishing Resources Contacts Site Map
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Fly Fishing Seminars and Talks

I offer fly fishing seminars at your location or mine in a number of different areas. I have spoken and given presentations in most of the middle Atlantic States. If you have a fund raiser I can work with you on a seminar or speaking engagement to increase your revenue. I also offer private seminars for small groups on a variety of topics from fly fishing to stream ecology. I also offer talks and presentations to small groups.

Muddler Minnow Photo by Gene Macri

My rates are reasonable and if you would like more information I can send it to you in a PDF format which you can review or print out. The presentations and seminars can be slanted towards your group for fisherman or more of a scientific bent without any problems. Fly fishing seminars are great for business groups or companies who want some R and R for their employees (photo above shows the Muddler Minnow; fly tying and fly selection also make a great subjects for seminars).

Aquatic Entomology for Fly Fisherman

My aquatic entomology presentations are well known and provide the best knowledge and insect information available. I also have specific programs for spring creek fishing and stream ecology as well as trout stream management.

River Keeper Fly Fishing
Sign Up for our Free Fly Fishing Tips as well as our Free Fly Fishing Journals. Also, you can send any questions about fishing, guiding, instruction, or seminars. We do not sale your name and will not compromise your privacy.









Riverkeeper Fly Fishing Info, Newsletters, Tips
Just drop us a line for any questions you have about our private fly fishing, guiding and instruction on both public and private waters. We won't spam you or sell your name.